
Medical Mondays: Saying No when I want to Say Yes

But they forgot, obsessed with their momentary discomfort. 
They willfully put God to the test by demanding the food that they craved. 
Their god is their stomach, their mind is on earthly things. Psalm 78:12-18

Last week I explained how I had to decide to give up dessert entirely because of my illness and how I am affected by sugar. This is no easy task, and some of you out there are likely groaning because you know you should be doing something like this too, but it's just so hard.

I would gear up for, say, a big church dinner, telling myself I'd only eat a little tiny bit of dessert. All that evening I'd be obsessing about that tiny bit of dessert I was going to get. Then I'd go to the dessert table, and of course there were so many wonderful options, I'd start feeling sorry for myself that I couldn't enjoy them all, and I'd decide that maybe I should get a little bit of several to pick which one tasted the best. Then of course I'd end up eating more than I should, then I'd get angry that I blew it with a tiny bit whenever "everybody else" got to eat platefuls. Not long after that I'd start the sweating, shaking, and all the other symptoms from my blood sugar freaking out.

Not fun. And the worst was that I'd end up pretty much forgetting about the people around me, the people that should have been the focus, because I was so honed in on my desire for dessert.

My god was my stomach. My mind was on earthly things.

So I decided I couldn't honor God with this mindset and resolved to change to a 100% no dessert mindset instead of always looking for my little exception.

It's been probably over a year now. I'm not saying I haven't flubbed up or fallen off the wagon, but I now consistently avoid sugar and it has made a huge positive different for me and my family.

How do I keep it up when there are so many temptations all around inviting me to give in?
Here's what I do and maybe you'll find one or two that will help you:
1. I stopped baking desserts at home. I just love cookies right out of the oven, so I don't cook them anymore and save myself the temptation. (I do sometimes bake for birthdays and such, but my kids are used to fruit for dessert now, which is better for them anyway.)

2. I avoid going anywhere near the dessert table. No sense torturing yourself!
3. I've learned a good phrase to say when offered dessert: "Yes, I'd love some, but I can't have sugar. Thank you so much, though. It looks delicious." Now the person knows I'm not rejecting their effort; it's not personal.

4. If I'm going to a party or holiday event, I've learned to bring sugar-free chocolate or something else I can eat while everyone else is enjoying dessert. This makes me not feel so deprived (especially if it's sugar-free Oreos!) and also makes others around me feel less guilty about enjoying something when I can't.

5. If I'm really struggling, I can excuse myself and go to the bathroom for awhile until they are mostly done. =)

6. I try not to entertain even the option. Once I start thinking about how maybe I could eat a sliver, then my brain jumps in with all the reasons I really want this, and I'm half gone already.

7. The thing that helps me the most is to say very clearly in my head, "My family is more important than this piece of cake (or cookie or whatever)." 

When I choose to eat what I want, I get a very momentary feeling of pleasure on my tongue. That's all. But then I have to suffer through the consequences, and my family has to suffer through me feeling miserable and emotionally on edge. It is just not worth it. It feels like it is at the time, but I know deep down it is not.

If you're reading this and you have an allergy to a favorite food, or you're gluten intolerant or on a yeast-free diet, or some other difficult restriction, I just want to say that 100% gets easier over time. Living 95% never does because you're always battling your own mind over that little 5% then beating yourself up when you go too far.

Practicing 100% is very, very hard at first, but over time, you learn to tell your mind the truth, and as the Bible says, the truth will set you free.

You may even find yourself enjoying an event and the people in it, and you didn't once even think about the fact that you were missing out. You may even decide that you were really missing out back when you thought it was all about the food!

Okay, your turn. What is your most difficult thing to be 100% about?

Related Posts: Their god is their stomach

I don't want to be sick anymore!

This is an exception


  1. I have had to remove a lot of foods (and drinks) from my favorites list because of health issues. There are days when the choice to eat just one bite is overwhelming. I realize it is usually when I am tired, feeling blue, having a really bad day, or feeling alone. I know this is a weakness that will affect my health and welfare. I finally realized it is a form of spiritual warfare. Satan knows my weaknesses and attacks me in those areas. If I eat the wrong things, I will die sooner and be miserable. And yes, as you said, I will become distracted by the thought of food I want to eat. It's not easy, but it is necessary to avoid those foods.

    My best way of coping is by saying, "No thank you, I'm not allowed." Then I smile and say, "Besides, I'd much rather have one more of (something healthy)."

    Thanks, Kim. It helps to know I'm not the only one who struggles.

  2. I hear you, Karen! You're so right, it's when we're tired and feeling down or lonely--and it helps knowing it's a human thing, not just a me thing!!! Here's to carrots and celery sticks! (Though I think I could never in good conscience say I'd rather have a celery stick. ha ha)

    May God bless you with the kind of day where it's easy to make the right choices! Thanks for the blessing you have been on this blog and the FB group! It really has blessed me.


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